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Flutter - How to use Future.wait

Published: at 10:30 PM

Getting started

Hi there, today we will get familiar with future.wait and how to use it. Even though, we have used future and commbine async/await to handle task asynchronous. In some cases, we encountered calling multiple API at time.

StopWatch watch = StopWatch();

Future<void> fetchData() async {
    final news = await _getNewsUseCase.invoke(); // 1000ms
    final promotion = await _getPromotionUseCase.invoke(); // 2000ms
    final notifies = await _getNotificationUseCase.invoke(); // 1000ms
    print("All APIs completed in ${watch.elapsedMilliseconds}")
    // Here it gonna display 4000ms 

Above example, at fetchData we have 3 functions which call to API but those 3 APIs do not depend on each other. Every time fetchData is called, the program takes 4000ms. That’s what we don’t want, so use Future.wait() to reduce program time.

Use Future.wait

Actually, use it quite easy. We only move many APIs into Future.wait method:

StopWatch watch = StopWatch();

Future<void> fetchData() async {
    final response = await Future.wait([
    print("All APIs completed in ${watch.elapsedMilliseconds}")
    // Here it gonna display 2000ms

The above program has greatly reduced the API loading time, we increase the user experience performance for the app. You can observe that Future.wait() completes the task much more quickly compared to using await individually on each asynchronous function.


Future.wait() method is significantly more efficient for handling multiple independent asynchronous operations. By using Future.wait, developers can streamline their code and improve overall performance.

Thank u for reading <3